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South-East Asian countries with high rates of economic growth, are now facing issues of security previously largely faced only in developed nations. As individuals or companies become richer or more succesful they become targets for less affluent or envious people.

Although this zone is still a relatively safe, risks of crime are still present everyday.
In order to prevent any kind of risk (such as robbery, kidnapping, terrorism..) linked to crimanility, security is the most effective answer to your everyday life risk.

Being a VIP exposes you to obvious risks, because of your image, your value, your status.
As a public person you are sometimes subjected to extreme situations. We are experienced to manage any kind of situation involving an event, a crowd and more.

Regionally, countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia and Myanmar, where violent conflict occurs more often, present increased risk to the business or leisure traveller. Our internationally experienced personnel can provide protection against the risks faced by you in these less stable environments.

Security is not only a solution to direct or undirect threat, it also has the ability to improve your eveyday life. Having your family protected and accompanied in their daily life, together with the precious belongings in your home or tools of your business, will give you peace of mind at all times..

For Your Safety and Protection VIP BODYGUARD is the Answer !